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Fold Surface 4201

[Arik Levy]

The Vibia Fold Surface 4201 consists of two related elements lights. The total height is 31.5 cm, the total length 33 cm.

From 198 € free shipping in Germany

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MSRP: 602,00 € * -6%
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Już od 566,00 € Normalna cena 602,00 €
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Czas dostawy: 20 working days

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The Vibia Fold Surface 4201 is a geometric wall mounted light, seemingly composed of two lamps, in truth with only one single rectangular light body of two equal lighting elements. The design is by Arik Levy, the Fold Surface 4201 has an aluminum body. The lamp has an overall width of 33 cm and a total height of 31.5 cm. The colours off-white (cream-white), brown and green are available. The bulbs are four efficient 2.1 watt LEDs. Endless compositions of wall lights are possible when you combine this light with others from the series.


Więcej informacji
Kraj produkcji es Hiszpania
producent Vibia
projektant Arik Levy
ochrona IP20
zakres dostawy LED
Głębokość w cm 5
tworzywo aluminium, metakrylan
LED Łącznie
Wskaźnik oddawania barw >90
Strumień świetlny w lm 724
Temperatura barwowa w stopniach Kelvina 2.700 extra biała ciepła
wydajność systemu 4 x 2,1 Watt LEDs
Dimensions H 32 cm | B 33 cm


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