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Syra 90 Outdoor

[Alex Fernandez Camps]

The Bover Syra 90 Outdoor pendant light has a hand-woven lamp shade with a diameter of 91 cm.

From 198 € free shipping in Germany

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MSRP: 2 332,00 € * -16%
service+ -228,00 €
Już od 1 958,00 € Normalna cena 2 332,00 €
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Czas dostawy: 15 working days

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The light from the Bover Syra 90 Outdoor is emitted directly downwards, through the lamp shade to the side and upwards. Thereby, the outdoor pendant lamp distributes in all directions glare-free light. The Syra 90 Outdoor is available in the shade colours ivory white and brown. The white lamp has a white canopy, the brown one a graphite brown canopy.

The Syra 90 Outdoor can be individually set in its height during installation, its three cables have a length of 145 cm. The lamp shade of the pendant lamp has a height of 67 cm. The light source is a powerful LED with an output of 39.7 watts and a colour temperature of 2,700 Kelvin extra warm white. This outdoor light is offered dimmable or non-dimmable. The Syra by Bover is also available with a diameter of 45 cm or 61 cm.


Więcej informacji
Kraj produkcji es Hiszpania
producent Bover
projektant Alex Fernandez Camps
projektant 2 Gonzalo Mila
rok 2014
ochrona IP66
zakres dostawy LED
tworzywo szkło kryształowe , aluminium, poliester, polietylen, żelazo
długość kabla 145 cm
regulacja wysokości wysokość ustalona
Moc w watach 39,7 W
LED Łącznie
Wskaźnik oddawania barw 90
Strumień świetlny w lm 5.500
Temperatura barwowa w stopniach Kelvina 2.700 extra biała ciepła
baldachim Wymiary ∅ 18 cm
Średnica klosza 91 cm
wysokość abażur 67 cm
wymiana żarówek: u producenta / w fabryce


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