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Empty 4136


The Vibia Empty 4136 is one of the larger outdoor lights from this series. It has a height of 55 cm and a width of 25 cm. It was created by Xuclà.

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MSRP: 1 068,00 € * -6%
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Już od 1 004,00 € Normalna cena 1 068,00 €
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Czas dostawy: 20 working days

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The Vibia Empty 4136 outdoor light is equipped with two modern LED strips, each with 4.3 Watt. With a height of 55 cm, it is the highest floor light in this series. With the edge length of 25 cm, it is also one of the narrower lamps of this series. Its rectangular light body is made of polymer concrete, available in grey. It was designed by the designer Xuclà. This floor lamp can be used not only as a light, but also as a table or chair. With the protection class IP66, the Empty 4136 is protected against strong water spray as well as it is dustproof.


Więcej informacji
Kraj produkcji es Hiszpania
producent Vibia
projektant Xuclà
ochrona IP66
zakres dostawy LED
Głębokość w cm 25
tworzywo beton, metakrylan
LED Łącznie
Wskaźnik oddawania barw >70
Strumień świetlny w lm 304
Temperatura barwowa w stopniach Kelvina 2.700 extra biała ciepła
wydajność systemu 2 x 4,3 Watt
Dimensions H 55 cm | B 25 cm


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